Federation of Women's Associations of Turkey Iran Public Announcement Published!

01 October 2022

Federation of Women's Associations of Turkey Iran Public Announcement Published!

The Global Feminist Women's Movement Solidarizes with its Sisters in Iran!

The resistance sparked by the murder of Mahsa Amini by the Revolutionary Guards in the Islamic Republic of Iran on September 16, 2022, has evolved into a bloody and vengeful dimension, where the political Islamist misogynist government killed dozens of people during protests that spread across the country. The misogynistic and bigoted mentality, which wants to dictate women in every stage of their existence and has permeated every part of the state, is the most serious aggressor against the right to life of every woman who resists and every person who takes part in the struggle.

The women, who came to the fore with the "White Wednesday" protest in 2017 with the spirit of "women, life, freedom" in Iran, and who took to the streets at the cost of their lives by cutting their hair and saying "the streets are ours" in their current struggles, became an inspiration, pride, and hope for the international feminist women's movement.

The Federation of Women Associations of Turkey will continue to raise the voice of its sisters who resist in Iran, to continue the resistance in solidarity with them, and will not cease to walk faithfully in pursuit of the struggle for freedom and equality as it has dedicated itself to the cause from day one.

We live in a climate where authoritarian and violating politics are gaining momentum in the international arena. After the example of the misogynist mentality in the female identity of the first female prime minister elected in Italy, the agenda that reminds us of itself should be to strengthen our solidarity against reactionism in our struggle.

In this context, the international community and human rights monitoring mechanisms should strongly oppose the presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and form a union for Iran to leave the commission. The presence of Iran in this commission is an insult to all women, especially Iranian women.

Struggle entitles.
Long live equality and freedom!

Canan Güllü
President of the Federation of the Women Associations of Turkey

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